What Is Direct Selling?
Direct Selling means the marketing of consumer products/services directly to the consumers generally ..
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What is Direct Selling ?
Direct Selling means the marketing of consumer products/services directly to the consumers generally in their homes or the homes of others, at their workplace and other places away from permanent retail locations, usually through explanation or demonstration of the products by a direct seller.
Direct selling occurs when an independent sales person sells you goods and services in your home, work or other meeting place, instead of in a retail store. The sale will frequently be made through party plan or other personal contact arrangements to enable you to receive personal explanations and demonstrations.
Direct selling has been popular since the days of travelling salesmen, when merchants would travel from place to place with goods for sale. In the 1940’s the party plan method of selling was made popular by companies such as Tupperware. Now, with its long and proven record of success, the number of companies choosing to sell their products directly to the public continues to grow and there are many companies offering quality products and services along with a fun and flexible way to earn extra money.
Direct selling is now firmly established as a recognized channel of retail distribution around the world, with many multinational companies operating in over 170 international markets. Currently, the two largest direct selling markets are the United States and Japan. In 2011, worldwide direct sales were estimated at more than $147 billion a year and provide earnings opportunities to over 91.5 million direct sellers.
Benefits of Direct Selling
Research shows some of the most popular reasons people choose direct selling are:
- Direct selling is a good way to own a business thus catering to gainful self employment, women empowerment & point of purchase convenience to consumers.
- Direct selling offers flexible work schedules.
- Direct selling is a good way to earn extra income.
- Earnings are in proportion to efforts.
Anyone can do it
There are no required levels of education, experience, financial resources or physical condition. People of all ages and from all backgrounds have succeeded in direct selling. Direct sellers are independent contractors. You’re your own boss, which means you can:
- Work part-time or full-time – you choose when and how much you want to work.
- Set your own goals and determine yourself how to reach them.
- Earn in proportion to your own efforts. The level of success you can achieve is limited only by your willingness to work hard.
- Own a business of your own with very little or no capital investment.
- Receive training and support from an established company.