What Is Direct Selling?
Direct Selling means the marketing of consumer products/services directly to the consumers generally ..
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Who Can Become Member ?
The Organization will have three categories of members..
What Should a Consumer Know ?
As a consumer you should expect salespeople to …
What should a Salesperson know ?
As a salesperson, you should expect a DSA member company to …
Legitimate Direct Selling Vs Illegitimate Pyramid Scheme
There are points listed in each column for differentiation …
What Should Consumer Know ?
As a consumer you should expect salespeople to:
- Tell you who they are, why they’re approaching you and what products they are selling.
- Promptly end a demonstration or presentation at your request.
Provide a receipt with a clearly stated cooling off period permitting the consumer to withdraw from a purchase order within a minimum of three days from the date of the purchase transaction and receive a full refund of the purchase price.
- Explain how to return a product or cancel an order.
Provide you with promotional materials that contain the address and telephone number of the direct selling company.
Provide a written receipt that identifies the company and salesperson, including contact information for either.
Respect your privacy by calling at a time that is convenient for you.
Safeguard your private information.
Provide accurate and truthful information regarding the price, quality, quantity, performance, and availability of their product or service.
Offer a written receipt in language you can understand. Offer a complete description of any warranty or guarantee.