What Is Direct Selling?
Direct Selling means the marketing of consumer products/services directly to the consumers generally ..
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Who Can Become Member ?
The Organization will have three categories of members..
What Should a Consumer Know ?
As a consumer you should expect salespeople to …
What should a Salesperson know ?
As a salesperson, you should expect a DSA member company to …
Legitimate Direct Selling Vs Illegitimate Pyramid Scheme
There are points listed in each column for differentiation …
What Should Salesperson Know ?
As a salesperson, you should expect a DSA member company to:
- Provide you with accurate information about the company’s compensation plan, products, and sales methods.
- Describe the relationship between you and the company in writing.
- Be accurate in any comparisons about products, services or opportunities.
- Refrain from any unlawful or unethical recruiting practice and exorbitant entrance or training fees.
- Ensure that you are not just buying products solely to qualify for downline commissions.
- Require you to abide by the requirements of the Code of Ethics.
- Safeguard your private information.
- Provide adequate training to help you operate ethically.
- Base all actual and potential sales and earnings claims on documented facts.
- Encourage you to purchase only the inventory you can sell in a reasonable amount of time.